By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Aug 13
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the misanthropic mule

the misanthropic mule

his big ears hear me coming with the grain
but he lays them back at me again
what is it that I've done to him
I don't harness him up on just a whim
I haven't taken a 2 x 4
to his sour demeanour
Nor have I ever given him less he needs
in oats and barley, hay, not weeds
I've talked kindly when he's rudely brayed
plaited his stubby mane in a cute braid
repaired his stall again with a dutch door
what the devil is this fool mule kicking for?
I've tried real hard to be real sweet
brought him apples and a clover treat
only to get my fingers nipped
why didn't I just let the quirt rip
in teaching some socializing lesson
Nah, but his nastiness keeps me guessin'
at him for his rude snorts as retorts
I'll brush him when he's not out of sorts
I've tried to hitch him in a team
and I'm still paying for that pipe dream
Well, if he wants corn this fall
he better listen to Gee! and Haw!
His temper is worse than the tom turkey
that's only got till November to act perky
Maybe it's because this mule's ugly a bit
and the girls don't flock around this nitwit
STILL, I've tried to show him some love
ONLY to get kicked to the rafters above!
He's got it good inside my lush pasture
with no feral dogs or coyotes after
him, his goat buddy and the growing hog
Why don't I just go and pet the good dog!

(c) 2003 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca