By Champagne
Date: 2003 Aug 16
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'Juggling' the World

Sometimes I wonder
in the early hours of the morning
while you're still peacefully sleeping
and I look upon your sweet face
your eyes lopping back and forth
as you follow your dreams
Yes I wonder,
what is it you see in me -
why do you love me
how can you put up with me.
Oh yes, most of the time
I am your best friend
and can do so much to make you smile
be witty and make you laugh
be sexy and slink around,
I can cook up a storm
and calm the sea of your doubts
I can decorate and clean and juggle the world
but then there are the times,
when I am such a bitch
when nothing can make me happy
and the world just irritates me -
and it's those times that I realize
how much you really love me,
because it's at those times
that I can't even stand myself,
and I think that if you didn't love
me during those awful times,
no one would love me
not even - myself.