By ThoughtFull
Date: 2003 Aug 18
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The Painful Realization of a Future with only One Pair of Shoes

I am never the girl who picks the restaurant.
I always buy both pairs of shoes rather than pick one.
I take an hour to get dressed,
standing in my closet mystified at the options.

I can't even choose between poetry or prose to write this.
Instead I submit jumbled works somewhere between the two.

I haven't chosen a wedding date
Or place
And my indecisiveness may reveal some indecisions
I would rather not inspect.

I can not decide whether I am ready to take a step
towards the ultimate in decisions
and close off the universe of endless possibilities
to end up only having to decide
what kind of house to build within the confines of
the white picket fence future I am tumbling toward.

It seems so final.
There can only be one pair of shoes
and we have to eventually eat somewhere.