By Misti
Date: 2003 Sep 11
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11 September (2001)

morning phone call
Mom tells me terrorists hit the World Trade Towers
and the Pentagon
Mom tells me this all means that Jesus will be
returning soon
turn on the television
see the images
i am afraid and i am alone
because my husband is already at work
he works an earlier shift
i drive to work in a daze
more of a daze than usual
walk across the parking lot
look up at the crisp beautiful blue autumn sky
go inside all the supervisors are walking around
sending people home
i am happy
because i hate my job
i get to spend the day with my husband
we talk nonstop listen to the radio
form theories
go to wal-mart
go to the copy shop
laminate a collage
go to my mom and Joe's house
watch television
and i am going to join the army
and kick allah's ass
how dare they fuck with us
in the name of some stupid god
some fucked up version of paradise
waiting all their lives to get laid
in another realm
god i am going to write some poems
to show the world how pissed off i am
god they are jumping out windows
how the fuck can they do that
my god my god my god i cannot imagine
i get dizzy thinking about it
there is no ground to stand on
we are not safe
stocking up on bottles of water
everyone we know is buying an american flag
my cousin jimmy and his wife heather
are going over there and they might die, too
everyone is angry
everyone hates men in turbans
they come over here and buy our motels
and keep to themselves
who the fuck do they think they are
there are insane lines for gasoline
everyone is going to wal-mart
there are refineries all around us
we are not safe
we've got to leave the country
we've got to find an island somewhere
an island that doesn't mean anything to anyone
a land of coconuts and sand
there will be no commerce
there will be no god
there will be no flag
there will be no towers
there will be no churches
no call centers
no wal-mart
no gas station
we have got to get away
nothing means anything