By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Sep 17
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I've led the band
down the football field
strutting my stuff
and twirling my baton.
I've mastered musical instruments,
beat out the best on the keyboard of my P.C.
I've bowled perfect scores,
won at table tennis and badminton matches.
I've graduated suma cum laude from college,
and aced a scholarship or two.
I've swam and dived like a dolphin,
learned to drive, skate, and anything I put my mind to.
I've given birth, breast fed my youngins,
held a career of prestige,
carried and juggled a lifestyle,
and all of this with ease.
I've carried titles of status,
out - danced even my peers,
I've been Mommy to many a toddler,
and forged the waters of my fears;
But Honey - I just have to admit this
That in all the things I've done
If you wrapped them up in one package
all the things I used to do -
None compares to a fraction of the enjoyment I feel
when I'm spending time with you.