By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Sep 18
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Everything was fine
until he started getting into my stuff.
Checking my answering machine for messages
when he thought I wasn't looking.
Snooping thru my dresser drawers
when he thought I was down stairs.
Getting onto my computer
and looking at my e-mail
when I accidently left it on.
And then "the shadow game."
Like a puppy or a two year old
he became my instant shadow -
Everywhere I went ;  he was there.
Everytime I'd turn around
he was there.
I found myself falling over him,
stepping on him
and bumping into him
all the time.
But the incident
that really wrecked doom on our relationship
was the evening when I told him I had other plans.
I didn't get home till 2am,
and when I opened the front door -
There he was - lying on my couch - sound asleep
waiting for me.
I was so angry that I could feel my scalp sizzling.
I woke him up abruptly and demanded to know
how he got in -  and why ?
He had lied to my girlfriend - who let him in ;
telling her that I told him to wait for me.
Needless to say -  I  never saw him again.