By Champagne Date: 2003 Sep 20 Comment on this Work [[2003.]] |
Sure I know that they're both condemned in the Bible, but I was so fascinated with the idea that you could pick your perfect mate with the aid of a sign and avoid all the mistakes. So I went out and bought all the books I could find and began to study the signs. I quickly learned who I was compatible with and who I wasn't. This was sure and fool-proof from what I could see. The curiosity of it all was tremendous. Now I could size up a guy in a short time and avoid all the pitfalls and mistakes I made before. I began to apply everything I learned and quickly eliminated guys that simply were the wrong sign. And then I met HIM. He was the "wrong" sign - but his eyes were so intense, his lips were so needy, his hair begged for my touch and his voice beckoned my audience. What do those old astrology books know anyway ? How could they even begin to understand romance ? And so I ignored his sign. I was so infatuated with him. His presence was so over-powering. I put him on the pedestal of my heart. His every wish became my command. Prostrated at his feet, I became the geisha of his every wish. Nothing else mattered to me, but him. And he quickly took advantage of all my idolatrous longings for him. It wasn't a pretty picture after that, and it was very difficult for me to see what was happening - and even more difficult for me to break away. Today, my choices are healthy and I don't even want to know what a person's sign is anymore- And better yet - I reserve all my knee bending for the "ONE" who healed my heart. |