By Champagne
Date: 2003 Sep 21
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The 'GEISHA' Syndrome

I was so infatuated with him
That I became The Geisha
of his every desire.
A selfless position for sure.
He didn't ask me to do it -
It was my own free choice.
And I did it so well.
My own needs and wants
became second to his.
I catered to him, babied him,
and treated him like royalty
regardless of how poorly he treated me.
I obeyed on command
eagerly waiting for his next wish.
How disgusting.
At first I didn't notice
how I was degrading myself for him.
But in time, the realization
of what our relationship had become
hit me between the eyes.
And even them,
I refused to do anything about it.
He was so muscular
so handsome
so tall and so dark,
An Adonis amongst men.
He was so romantic,
so sensual,
so sexual,
A Don Juan of humanity.
I wasn't used to this.
I didn't know how to handle him.
I was prepared to do anything and everything
to keep him in my life for as long as possible.
And so I chose the Geisha approach.
I think he began to despise me
as much as I did myself.
Let's face it -
does any man really want a relationship
with a lap dog ?
So what woke me up?
In his disgust for me -
he eventually went too far
in his lack of concern for my feelings.
He battered and bruised my ego,
until one day -
I picked up my black and blue body,
and went down to
the Geisha Jobs Security Commission
turned in my resignation
with NO notice
and quit.
I still have my kimono though.
I've saved it as a reminder
or what not to do -
and for those "playtime"
dress-up parties with you.