By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Sep 26
Comment on this Work

'Pickup - Lines' and Wary HENS

"Drink to me only with thine eyes" -
What a line !
"How do I love thee ?
Let me count the ways...
I love thee to the length
and breath of my soul..."
Now that was thick !!!
I wonder if they really felt and meant
what they said in those days ?
In these more modern times -
some guys will say anything you want to hear,
and not mean one single word of it.
It seems that they will go to almost any length
to get a chick in the sack.
But they won't come back.
The "pickup-lines"
are getting more clever and witty each day.
What can I say?
Perhaps I've heard them all.
I doubt it.
As long as there are courtships to be had
and desire flows in the veins of men -
New and different lines
will continue to be hatched
to seduce the wary hen.