By libs0813
Date: 2003 Sep 26
Comment on this Work

July 18

here's a glass from you
mike, three years younger than me
into the glass went your songs
your childhood,
your sense for the ironies that don't make sense in the world
and suddenly i became a believer,
stupefied of you.
caress my hand right now, mike
i want you to
i want your fingers to trace me
and the lines and curves of stories
you'll be my number one critic
you'll hate my past
you'll resent my guts
oh but mike, you so adore me
for i am clothed with the pain you feel right now
and you so want to undress me
me whom you can be creamy with.
here's a glass for you
mike, i love you
you to me an enchanting soul of purified madness
because a song says forever is not a promise
just a dream
but you are indeed an apostle of love
of faith
of passion
of kindred emotions we share in search of meaning
of love
of eternal bliss
i poured my tears from a thousand days of old
i need you to drank it
swallow it without hesitation
without reflection
because mike, i want you
i want to sweat
to bleed
to dwell into your invasion of me
kiss me right now
before i hush a plea to the Omnipotent one
"please let not mike be
another angel Thou kicked out"
i want to love you, now and forever, without having to get over you later
but if you are, mike
tell the other angels
i said hi.