By coujeaux Date: 2003 Oct 07 Comment on this Work [[2003.]] |
Now we're where some fear to tread; in polite company, such things aren't discussed, But I got to do somethin' keep my mouth from waterin' when her shirt's 'bout to bust! My mind ain't deceivin' nor are eyes believin'; damn them torpedoes, look out below! She ever fell down and boomed half of mainland China is doomed; where'd India go? Some call it blessed, others cursed, but I've seen the worst; here, look through these, About two weeks ago we estimated him at ten lightyears or so; all she did was sneeze! Seems God invented the sweater to get to know 'em better, but how is a man to react? Get this off my chest; she has me hydraulically compressed and my ribs have cracked! Yeah, we should all have plight of such a hopeless fight; she laughs, the moon explodes. As she unsnaps that brassiere her weapons go out to here; no wonder Louisiana erodes! It's a sad state of affairs when she can't hide her wares no matter what method she tries, You'd understand what I mean if you'd seen her last Halloween in her Himalayan disguise. Objects of admiration, nursing youth; let's get to the truth and call 'em for what they are, Most women never planned to have a bosom like back of my hand, but this goes too far! Backaches, wolf whistles, drools; guaranteed harem of ogling fools at her beck and call, It's the unfortunate effect of being unable to stand erect if they're longer than she is tall. A uncommon sight, indeed, they're of the rarest breed; good thing, and I'll tell you why, If each woman were so endowed mankind would cry aloud: What happened to the sky? |