By coujeaux
Date: 2003 Oct 07
Comment on this Work

Alle Zusammen Jetzt

See the barrier night, pinhole optimistic beaconlight, hint of significance, trying,
Throw off sanctum, adorar; bitchslap little star; spare me astrocollective prying.
Stroll, solitary thought; smouldering from severance shot, exposés, head to toe,
But not from me; from we, to he, intimate imagery, welded to everywhere I go.
Whispers, love; rise, climb far above, for even now we're still one, never alone,
Remember what we once meant if you wish heavensent; sultry, deceptive tone.

Sheathe, counterattack; merciless strikes never bring back past; losses mount,
And in your flurrying Hell, here, there a misintentioned shell, ghastly bodycount.
Quadruple possibility; sunlight phoenix, sensual azurene, mochaulait, janusaire,
Wave hands at lightspeed, throws up impenetrable, protective shields for repair.
Cocoon, monsoon; within, hush, exterior is plush, lean upon me, weary dreams,
For the remainder of what I once was bequeathes legacies of depulsated gleams.

Run along now, don't look in reverse; no, far more than a curse; incantations fail,
Whether summoner or pure beast, this is no matter of my least, wishing to assail.
Reach back, gather pain; suck away restraint, let chaos reign; scream, agonizing;
Let belief once enlightened blacken wide, find the frightened, 'tis retribution rising.
Pleasure-tipped, precision bomb; annihilation in aplomb, highrised firecloud tomb,
Hand, sensible waste, licks, exquisite taste; erase repeat possiblities to the womb.