By Kaylee Wilson
Submitted by imaswimrok
Date: 2003 Nov 08
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Angel from Heaven

Beautiful angel, my special friend,
A boy God created with delicate hands.
He inspired me.
Mine and many other's hearts he had won.
Time and time again,
The thank-you's went unspoken,
But still he seemed to fix that heart that would have been broken.
This angel, he was the wind in my sails,
The yellow moon in my velvet sky.
With every word that rolled off his lips,
He gave me the strength and courage I needed to fly.
He was the picture-perfect portait of beauty
In every single way.
I wonder, how hard was it for God to send a perfect angel to earth,
When he knew that I would take him for granted and underestimate his worth?
Did the tears of the Father fall from the sky in sadness,
Or was his heart overflowing with selfless gladness?
I am sorry, angel,for the person that I failed to see,
But thank you, for that one moment, for being everything to me.