By Blue Song
Date: 2003 Nov 08
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skitter this

skitter this
glittering crescents of
fleeting caress along unwilling spine
razors of this touch
so very smooth
this caress beside each tenderness
a jagged edge
more a ridge
rising center of the back
being kissed with slender breath
as he whispers soft
"so beautiful"
nerves raw
of razor wire
paused in endless
to cut flesh anew
paused and held as he
whispers still
with his lips he trails
so very slow
so very true
trails uncounted times
these lips of warmth
to sinews of ice
that in exquisite torture
slow peel away
flowing molten from his tongue
in rivers that ride with waves
washing free of all the ice
rise yet in sudden steam
as a body melts away
yet steel dost remain
this caressing reminder
that should skin be caught
these blades with edge so fine
will slice
glass crinkles of pain
to snap one straight
or so one almost hopes
so one might believe