By Maggie West
Submitted by Insense82
Date: 2003 Nov 10
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Wish I could

I wish...
I wish I could write something...
I wish I could write something worthy of you.
Words that the stars would be proud to shine with,
Words that any language would understand,
Words that will bring justice to you,
     my universe...
     my eternal shade...
     my one and only love...
Will I be sent to limbo for a sin such as this?
To love and not be loved as much...
A feeling deeper,
As deep as alone.

I sit on the highway,
wide. empty. long.
wishing the words I have uttered are enough
for the gods to decree that I am worthy
of someone as ephemeral as you.

You belong in heaven.
You belong in the waves of infinite beauty.
You don't belong here.

So now I write.
Words written by shaking, unsure fingers.
Hoping for the stars
Hoping for the gods
Hoping for the enigma in the dark, vast abyss.
Hoping for you...