By The Love Dog
Submitted by Harmonica
Date: 2003 Nov 24
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The Angels of Cedar Street

        The Angels of Cedar Street

My aunts were the angels who guided me through life
Their love nurtured me in almost every way
Their touch started in their beautiful hearts
Almost as if their hands could beat
Their life was the love of family
And of their children they counted many
Their sister's son their brother's daughter
They asked nothing from life but health and peace
And just like the world in which they lived
Some of them knew these gifts only in the moments
But they were stolen with time
They spoke to you often of life's lessons and sorrows
Aunt Martha don't do that
Aunt Mary's so tired
Aunt Betty's so sad
Aunt Angie the glue of the younger one
Keeping them together
On Summer nights on Cedar Street they met
On the backyard porch
Juwan's garden bursting in color
The warm quiet nights pierced by the man
On the railroad loudspeaker
Maybe one of their brothers was working that night
They spoke in Italian so we couldn't know
Who was the topic of their chatter
They were a secret society of angels these sisters four
And they were to each other
What each of them was looking for
Martha the meek the kind and the sweet
Mary the weak the faithful the small
Betty the spoon always to stir the pot
The proud and ever so loyal one
Angie the stronghearted
So frail in health so much kindness
So little time to spend
Angels amazing all four were they
I miss them so like it was just yesterday