By coujeaux
Date: 2003 Dec 05
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Rise and shine; I've rediscovered what was mine, but neither possessions nor keepsake whim,
It involved thievery of the basest sort, snatching dreams from this child, becoming I from him.
I had to face myself yet again, standing eye to eye with who I once was; precocious, so sweet,
And watch tears stream down the cheek of the memory I'd thrown away to make me complete.
I kneeled in deference to the lost part of a wish from this boy; never to feel the pain he'd seen,
Only as you see looks in eyes of the forsaken do you understand what such betrayal can mean.

Through time I call to you, from now back to then, before I happened; none of it was planned,
If you can hear me, run far away and you might yet avoid this; please God let him understand.
I don't wish for you to know what I've done thus far; you've been beaten, battered and abused,
Where once you couldn't wait to grow up, know the answers, it's left me ashamed and confused.
Let us sit on a playground somewhere, recite our alphabet and eat ice cream; the things kids do,
Were it to remain the last memory, your happiest, before I came along and took the best of you.

Years of recollection, chopped into happy moments; the giggling, effervescent reminder of youth,
Picturebook landscapes of innocence prior to loss from the necessities of adulthood in bitter truth.
There is no judgment within the eyes of my predecessor; he smiles at me, wraps me in embrace,
Whispering that it's okay to remember him as he always was, no hint of a future dread on his face.
Somewhere there's a little loving hand that guides us, a shield against angry slap of life's advance,
Meant to tickle our fancy and show us how to laugh at it all, our panacea if we give them a chance.