By Misti
Date: 2003 Dec 27
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Spoiled White Girl Blues

why oh why does he do me like he do
I'm asking you even though you don't know
pretty soon I'll have no place to go
he takes me on hikes in the snow
and gets impatient when I close my eyes
and listen to the wind
saying The Wind is My Friend
and Every Wind Has a Different Voice
I don't have much choice
I love him so
pretty soon my ass will have no place to go
because when I sing he asks me to stop
and when I play beggar he plays cop
he won't let me drink until it all dissolves
he won't let me wrap my sore spirit
in layers of gauze
because with him it's always wakey wakey time
and the only sublime is when I'm swimming
in senseless dreams
nothing seems to change
I am deranged and he is a whitecoat
soon I will be bloated with Almond Rocas
and Cherry Coke
and he will not choke on silent tears
thinking of all the poisoned years
all the beers in the world can't save me now
I've had more heartache than fate should allow
I've got to go but I don't know how
jiminy cricket these blues do sting
what does a girl do when she can't sing?