By Corinna
Date: 2004 Jan 06
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The whole time we were together I tried my hardest to play it cool.
I didn't want to mess up yet another potentially good relationship.
Although I may have called maybe a little too much, and requested a tad too much of your time, when we were alone together I tried to back off.
But when I wasn't around you all I could think about was you.   The slightest thought would bring a smile to my face.  I would think about something funny that you said or did and I would start laughing to myself.  My family must have thought I was crazy.
But in all actuality it was you who did.  Every time things we go great they'd be followed by a week of doubt.  Doubt that you would be around much longer, doubt that you cared for me.  I still have that doubt, about you ever caring.  
I know you told me from the beginning that you weren't looking for a serious relationship.  And trust me; I kept that in the back of my head for the whole four months.  But you would do things and say things that would totally contradict that statement.  So, when I would play off those actions and words you didn't like it.
Well, all I did was follow your lead and what did you do?  You threw a branch in my path and let me fall over it.  And you never checked to see if I was okay.  And there I lay, scratched knees, bloody palms, looking up to see you walking away without looking back.
