By coujeaux
Date: 2004 Jan 18
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Arrythmia (Done this way for the Tanqueray)

Entangled, consensualed three,
twobliss now asleep but not he;
eyes wide speak racemind plight,

And upon their freshpink thighs
each of a delicate hand lies,
caress unto thee a thankwish tonight.

Turn gaze to lover right,
she was indiscretion and delight;
spread dualnestle, welcomewinged lock,

Her, leftform maid,
what expertise she displayed as the slithersummoner,
seducing volcanic shock.

In immediate thereafter
came celebration and laughter,
for his completion was unexpected indeed,

From handful of instances hence
their tribute was consumption of suspense;
the demons are freed.

Not so simple as we believe,
even cannibals feed on what they grieve,
disgraced but not dismayed,

Gone from your singular despair
to exquisite troisform affair,
forthcome explanation why so afraid?

Exhausted, extends an invitation
into source of his trepidation,
watch closely at progression to now,

It was all of them, motioned and lush
that served as my momentary rush;
again questions me how.

I consider again,
why do I repeat the sin each opportunity present;
finally I see it, explaining in turn,

Variant perspectives, lessons, shame;
your wisdoms are rehearsal I proclaim,
so at last may I learn.

On whispers evening into dawn,
beautiful givers dreaming on,
and I, still awake, reverse the scenes,

So persistent is my silent fear
but I'll not infect these innocent here
with the stigma of what it means.

A-weary am I, not of tresunisoned spree
but moreso really of me;
I cannot speak of what ails me so,

Manifesting itself in gentle ways;
through touch or my longing gaze;
I realized who I became long ago.

Far better are these blossoms than I,
in time will come the last goodbye,
these trysts will pass to fade,

To each, my fondest I bestow,
be you together or apart that neither ever know
any love left unmade.