By iLYd
Date: 2004 Jan 21
Comment on this Work

Do people really want to be loved?

Do people really want to be loved?
Or is it just a image burned within their brains not wanting to imagine anything else or until reality sets in and you wake up out of a slumber less sleep and turn over and look at what you have been looking at for the past twenty years and then suddenly realize that the image really has disappeared.  How sad, how do we get it back that image that we all so crave?  

The answer is yes, people really do want to be loved and they want to be loved back, in fact, isn't this what life is all about. For those of you seeking don't settle and for those of you who are settling there are other alternatives and for those of you who think they have found that all-important person in your life, then I say don't ever wake up.