By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2004 Mar 09
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Where were you

In this land
where all is free
stand tall and speak your peace
for all that you believe


where were you my friend
I stood before the crowd
to be condemned
was it your voice I heard
"Crucify Him"

where were you my friend
I wore the stripes
of flesh torn deep
for all that you believed

where were you my friend
I carried the burden
of the world
were you the one that nailed me there
for all that you believed

where were you my friend
the sky turned dark as the night
were you one of them
that took flight
and denied me then

will you be here my friend
when I offer you my hand
of love and compassion
despite the gender or the race
and all that you believed
this hand is offered to you in grace

please come walk with me
I will show you
a land where
all are truly free