By chris
Submitted by chris
Date: 2004 Mar 15
Comment on this Work

There Really is a Duke of Albuquerque Living Somewhere in Spain

I have finally made peace
with a deep loneliness, with the elements -
climbed piles of black desert rock in the snow and rain
(for no good reason),
attempted communication
with hunger-haunted coyotes in the overgrown arroyo
that runs
along our apartment building
late at night.

So the work now
is done.
There is no more resistance (always futile),
only the life
to be lived -
stretching out as deceptively flat and limitless
as the edge
of this rift valley
that holds us.

(I've had the crushes too -
Carrie and Manal in Austin, Stephanie in Nederland....
The list is short, though,
maybe because I never thought of it as being
a list.)

True comradeship is the loss
most irreplaceable,
and I wonder often what happened to Erik,
crusader for peace, brother of the Dharma,
drinking-buddy bodhisattva -
gone to the Balkans almost ten years ago
to fix some unholy mess
not of his creation.

And Alex, maker of films and music and mad midnight art -
lost, lost
as everyone is,
some more intentionally than others -
like Justin,
once Dean Moriarity to us all,
now self-exiled
on the plains of Wyoming.

As for the coyotes,
a few weeks later -
after a cold front plunged temperatures
twenty degrees below normal -
I saw them again in that same arroyo,
in a panic,
it seemed,
for some human company that might mean warmth
or food.

But when I returned they fled -
possessed suddenly by the unconscious dictate that what is
cannot be touched
by what is not.