By darwin
Date: 2004 Mar 22
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cold white wine

somewhere in between, i learned to hunt.  between the rapid fire thoughts, and conclusions that I can so quickly draw.  there were the attempts at stealth, but my eyes have always been open windows, with secrets never being kept.  they can glitter, or in a second, shimmer with the too soon dew drops of tears.  it's been interesting, this roller coaster, this ride that occasionally dives.  i haven't felt that familiar dampness or longing though, between my thighs lately.  it seems to be a barren dessert.  just a dry wind blowing in my life.  so it would be famine, would it?  when was the feast, when I could have had drink a plenty?  when I could have dipped into the pool that your eyes create when darkness falls.  i wanted to run naked with you somewhere, as long as it was warm enough.  but now my skin just feels the familiarity of cotton, and the softness it has after a dozen or so washes.  i don't want you to be a familiar t-shirt.  something that I wear everyday.  something the cats lay on in the sun.  i want you to be the leather stilletos.  the zipper that my hand has to grip for it to come.  i want you to be the midnight trappings with heavy bass, that surges through my body.  i want you to be the red lipstick i wear and bleeds down my chin with the cold white wine.