By Kaylee Wilson
Submitted by imaswimrok
Date: 2004 Mar 24
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God, your fire...

Addicted addiction, what this is to me. I need it, i need you. I love the feeling at first, go in. Obsession, yes. Make-up smears, who cares... I feel my legs give out at the  knee over and over from exhaustion, but i don't stop. My back is bruised, again. Shhh... (Don't complain, they'll guess it.) Pull me up to you, push again, water all around, it wipes away the sweat. I will lie, cheat steal for this feeling of completion and satisfaction that you give me. Go in, go in. I love to see the fire in your eyes. God, your fire.. My hands have gone numb now, then my whole body. Shaking. Powerless. Take it all. All innocence is lost here upon your bed of wine and replaced with pleasure, lust and passion. I won't go back to before. All control is gone forever between us, replaced with this magnetic force called love.