By chris
Date: 2004 May 04
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(because i'll never again be the last)

not being able to sleep
was a sign
and then all the dreams
of falling
was another
and anymore
i can't afford not to read
the map
and follow the directions
spelled out so clearly
the road's liable
to run into
a sandy wash
all too easy
to get stuck in
or just end abruptly
with no room
to turn around

because i'll never again be the last
to leave
(my goal these days
and i'm stickin'
to it)
because i've had our discussions
too many times
with others i've cared about
and probably shouldn't have
along paths that would have been far better
traveled alone
thank you
for letting me go home
and leaving you
sleepy in your nightshirt
locking the door behind me
looking lost
(but you'll be found someday
by someone)
and letting me
say goodbye
and returning
to my hard-earned
one-bedroom/one-bath/utilities extra
across the river
before the sun is even over the mountains yet
making them look like a great wall
that keeps this city