By Chrissy
Date: 2004 May 04
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Foo Fighters

The night has been perfect. Hammerstein sold out. Foo did not disappoint. "Everlong" is the encore. It was announced as "the ultimate make-out song."

I feel his arms wrap themselves around my waist as Dave plays the opening riffs of "Everlong." They tighten around me and I can feel him press against my back. He rests his chin in the nook created by my collarbone and my neck and squeezes my stomach with his arms. My hips move slowly, seductively, from side to side, keeping a subdued tempo with the guitars. My right hand reaches above and over my head, resting on the back of his neck where my fingers graze the ends of his hair. He lightly kisses my jawbone. I tilt my head to the side and turn it so that he and I are face to face...

He smiles and the look in his eyes confirms that he wants this. I smile back and he leans in to get what we've both been wanting all night long...

Instead, I move my head away quickly and gaze back up at Dave. I sigh. The night would have been perfect...if I didn't know you were in the crowd, looking for me.