By Misti
Date: 2004 May 05
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My TRue CoLors Ain't PasTeL

two new surprises from me yesterday at lunch
and last night in bed
remembering the Leo Man/Aquarius Woman chapter I read
to you from Linda Goodman's Love Signs when we first
got together
you said you knew it was my job to shock you
I love you for being such a good sport
you splash around in my cold blue electricity
brave and beaming
sun gold royalty
the best heart I've ever met
I will never regret you
the risk
the jump
into the abyss
rewarded with kisses that melt me into
Snow White at thirteen
before the dark forest
fucked up dwarves
and poisoned apple
I can be a bitch
but not with you
you imbue me with your verdant mossy shades
of luck
you fuck the cobalt right outta me
but before you know it
damn it all to heLL
there goes my crimson
screaming for attention
more more MORe love than you can handle
after an afternoon of guilt and heartache
I'm breaking your balls
oops I'm sorry
please excuse my magenta mania
my purple pleading
my mangled rainbow needing all of you
and some left over
for my clover girl child
wild for your dazzle
you aren't frazzled yet
but don't bet on petal pink placid whispers
from my lips
anytime soon
don't count on mellowed yellow
muted mauve consent
the goddess sent me to you
too late, sure enough
two seconds before you gave up for good
but it wouldn't it be stupid of us
not to be grateful?
so let's splash around
in what we've found and pretend as if
time is our bestest friend
and this will never end
and Crayola has new colors to lend
our crazy palette.