By iLYd
Date: 2004 May 13
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Tell me from your heart

I know how you don't like love letters, but it seems to be the only way to talk with you, alone.

My question is quite simple, but yet important.  I need to know if there will ever be a place for me in your future?

For you see, if there's not, then I need to know. What you don't understand is now I really feel about you.  So if what I feel will never be shared then I need to hear it from you.  I need the hurt and want of not being able to be with you, to hurt and then heal.  I don't know if you have ever felt this way before, but it has been hell trying to suppress my feelings.  But I was told along time ago that I love you but I am not in love with you.  Yes this hurt, but I healed.  So if I have kind of hit the nail on the head with this statement, I do really need to hear something from you. What I shared with you some two months ago, was not a fluke, I wanted that night, I wanted you, and by so subjecting myself to that and completely forcing the issue, though I know you were hoping I would come to you, you changed my life.  I have not been with anyone else like that in 20 years.  Why you?  Why now?  I cannot totally explain that, but my feelings are real and if I must let go, then I really wish you would have the guts to say so.  

Teamo Always