By Influence
Date: 2004 May 25
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With each waking moment
As the setting of the night
Takes toll on my soul
With silent sounds, whispers, cool, gentle breeze pour over me,
Like a hypnotic lullaby; I Dreamt!

Now as I lay still, eyes wide
Silently pondering...awake
I think.... LIFE!

Every living soul, every breath uttered from the mouth,
Every crawling creature, every feature demonstrates life...

Nature; the flowers that bloom in spring
The sweet melodies that the birds sing
The mountain dew,
The sunrise, the raindrops, the sunset...
All that life has to offer

So wonderful, so precious this gift is, that one can't afford to waste
To lose out on all that can be obtained ...
To sit back and let time pass by, without a trace of life's existence!


Written on 14/09/03