By Kaylee Wilson
Submitted by Imaswimrok
Date: 2004 Aug 01
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I love the way i feel here
Everything released on pages
Things i think of in a second
Or hurts that have gone on for ages
When tears poar down like rain
It's the one thing that keeps me sane
Music and running, they're good too
But it never drains my heart of the blue
This small miracle, one of my own
Has given my crazy angry mind a home
It's just me the pen and paper
I get to release my inner wars
Sex, drugs, anger, violence
All at my disposal to taper
I can scream but be in silence
And write until my hand aches
Write for however long it takes
Black out the world around me
And cry every tear out until I can see
I'll write until my blood cools off
and my hands quit shaking around
All that I hate i can scoff
Until my head safely reaches higher ground