By hollywoodfox Date: 2004 Oct 08 Comment on this Work [[2004.]] |
You tried to explain it to me (while obviously trying to convince yourself you were feeling it) But I could see through it more than you'll know. Yes, they happen for a reason. That's why we're here. We were meant to end up back here Once more. There is so much fear... You are so afraid. I have no reply to that, For it is my fault you're now like this. "I'm sorry" are words that don't change a thing. You said nothing more would happen Because the feelings were no longer there. I then slowly broke all your boundaries Because I didn't believe them. I didn't believe what you were telling me And I still don't. Your body responds to me in a way That supersedes everything you've said tonight. Every movement you've made contradicts Your words. I'm not here to hurt you or to be hurt. Do you really think I intended on ending up here again? After so long I thought I had truly moved on. The difference between you and me is that I've made the decision to just let it all happen, However it's meant to happen. You finally surrendered to the night And a beautiful heat was created, One that belonged to just us. You said we had tonight, but That you couldn't promise me tomorrow. I wasn't worried. Besides, I was half asleep when you got up, so I wasn't In any state to disprove you. You didn't kiss me before you left. That dazed and sickened me. You've never done that before. I couldn't sleep any longer in your bed, I feel unworthy and unclean. And I no longer know what to do... |