By spirial
Date: 2004 Oct 21
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t' laugh

Laughter ghostly wells slow within
Deep inside laughter fills the pain
Normal may I call myself
Never... nor wish of the same
For what do you know to be me
Or understand what it truly is to feel pain
For I do laugh at all of what you thought you felt
As I laugh at what I feel as the same
And of fear or hate you dreamt you knew
Wallow for a time within mine
Think that then you might understand that word
You think you know what this is about
And hurt within for what you think
I don't understand of you
Yet truly know I do
For within your words I have seen
Your heart slow twist again
Simply put I have seen
Of beauty and caution
Of hurt of regret
of love what beats so very strong
of one who has hurt for so long
for nothing more than perception
how you wish to perceive reality
reality is what you beat your head upon
what fills ones arms with warmth through the night
not what so much one believes but
simply put
only what one can feel
this is reality
or so I perceive
as I laugh again
within my mind
my own love too far away
my own far too far away