By spirial
Date: 2004 Oct 29
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heavens harvest

A heavens harvest of stars
Brilliant gems what lighten night
Could of mystery fall
Extinguish sudden their light
Sunsets weep its colors bleed
Staining softest clouds in majesty
A breeze could ruffle hair
Be as if a caressing hand itself stir
And I could not hurt any more
For of pain I left it far away
As a child itself would be its gift
Dancing mid these crumbled ruins
My breast within its dusty grave
Far too long I've been away
From warmth ... laughter... tears
Till I just cannot hurt any more
Tired eyes far too tired for sleep
From waking with you near
To the reality of you far... far...
And I have fear
Will your love choose this time
To crumble
And if so...
What ever could I say...