By Misti
Date: 2004 Nov 14
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Grocery Store Horror

scared by Rita Mae Brown's slumber party massacre flick
scared more by our grocery store horror
hours ago
not being able to find the goddamn peanut butter
you asked the dumb ass manager
he didn't know
you put vodka in the cart
and echinacea
and I resented you
and remembered other horrifying shopping trips
with other men
I blame the high divorce rate in America
on our crappy grocery stores
horror on every aisle
two plastic bags of necessities
for forty bucks
you told the cashier you didn't believe it
studied the receipt
the death of romance
on aisle four
you told me you felt a rift
sensed that I was cold, standoffish
you tried to hug me
I pulled away
proving you right
tonight I felt the depression creeping back
a mean ass spider with a venomous vendetta
tonight you taught me about Rozz Williams
and Christian Death
how he hung himself on April Fool's Day
he made collages, too
you say he had greatness
you think I have greatness, too
I'm scared
I'm hoping
you never discover
how small
I really