By iLYd
Date: 2004 Nov 30
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Reach Beyond the Open Window

Beneath the exterior of said being beats the heart of one in love, requesting thee to follow thy heart, allow said being to relax, feel the joy, the love and happiness in which said being is willing to give, no games are being played within said mind, body or soul.  No matter what is said or done, nothing can break the bond in which said one has found, though obstacles are found near open window, seek not to close open window, remedies can be sought if the will is present, join heart wide open, look beyond the ledge and grasp the hand forth stretched, to give and give like at no other time in ones life, can be found just outside. Reach, feel, love is there, reality, come find, to walk in the sunlight, to share the night, free to give the love so willing to bring forth, to feel the beat of thy heart near, to share of simple, to support, to comfort when needed, to care just because, Thy heart be attached, the mind is clear and said being finds no reason to fear.  No reason to betray thy self of true love, the light at the end of the tunnel, is so much brighter now.
Reach beyond the open window for there one awaits...
