By Madison
Date: 2005 May 21
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The summer morning followed me around the house.
It was dressed in night; it slipped behind the shoji screen
and wrapped around me on the other side.

Preconcious mind,
from fade of coral buds to
china pink beneath the buried heat.

I felt your fingerprints against my skin,
every whorl and point of intersection,
I felt your fingerprints
revising chi
to fit their new inventions,
the countermagnet
to my anywhere but here and now.

The hot spots of
your mouth intrigue;
curving inlet islands of the sea,
cutaways of a smile, a lip-sync of a kiss.
Your shore of dreams

how evenly
they peel my truth in one long piece.
The summer morning followed me; it was
dressed in ocean night.

21 may 05
m madison