By Mr. Pruffrock
Date: 2005 May 23
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Pabst Blue Ribbon

I sit on a stool at the corner of a bar that I have been to enough that everyone here knows me and I know them. Most of them know me well enough to know where I live because they've taken me home for one reason or another on various occasions.  I sit here amongst these people who call me a friend but I fell like a stranger.  I look at my beer, a miller lite.  A fucking miller lite.  I've been drinking miller lite since I was sixteen years old.  I started drinking old Milwaukee Lite and when everyone else switched to miller lite so did I.  Why can't I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon.  Why can't I be that kind of man, the kind of man that drinks a man's beer.  Hell my daddy drinks Pabst why can't I be that kind of man.  Then I think about where my daddy is right now.  Right beside me.  Well not right beside me, but sitting in the same kind of bar just in a different neighborhood.  Sitting there with all of his friends; telling stories; getting drunk; chasing women; loving life; drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon that someone else bought for him; looking for his next conquest to rub his wife's nose in, to further torture her.  "Hey bartender, I think I'll have a Budweiser."