By musicalduck
Date: 2005 Aug 01
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I'm writing this letter to let you know how much you mean to me. There was always something about us that just connected. We've been through so many things that it seems almost impossible for us to be as close as we still are. We've broke each other's hearts numerous times, yet we still come back for more. And we always know that there is a possiblility for something to really happen. Most people would say to give it up and move on with your life. You have no idea how many time I've tried to do just that, but I just know that there's no way I could even come close to doing that. We've both tried to move on and even didn't talk for awhile, but we ended up right back where we started. I couldn't even imagine never meeting you. You were once my rock to hold onto when my life was so incredibly unbearable. You were the only stable thing I had. At times, I admit, it seemed boring and un adventureous. But now I see that you were what I always needed. I've tried to be spontaneous and free, and it was fun at first but after awhile I kept asking myself "Why am I so uncomfortable?" You were the only comfort I had ever known. My safety. From the day we met, you were the one who had kept me grounded. And from the day we parted, my life as been one hell of an earthquake. I just needed to let you know that you have truely been one of the most influental people in my life. And I know one day it really will work out. Until then, I'm waiting because these things take time. And all I've got is time, because if I didn't have that, I wouldn't have you.