By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2005 Nov 14
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i have had most things i have desired
if only for a brief time
like the time i wanted to date a millionaire
i did for a week
it wasn't all they said it would be
i wanted to know what true love felt like
it was the most beautiful
and painful experience in a lifetime
i wanted to know what it felt like to be a princess
you made that happen
then my wings were clipped and i fell
fell hopelessly in love with you
i can't say that has ever changed
nor can i say i have ever stopped wanting you
i wondered if you thought less of me
when i was willing to tread a territory i had never gone
just to be with you
i said i feared something would prevent
or protect us from seeing each other
the fear became reality
which just proves
you were never meant to be mine