By Jennifer
Date: 2005 Dec 18
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Remembering You

I want it to rain
To pour down over me
The hard stinging rain that hurts when it hits you
The kind that will make me feel again
My skin is so numb
I've felt nothing since your touch
A hot, tingling, aching touch
A touch that I could feel in my soul
But now it's gone
And I feel nothing
Just numbness
I wish it would rain
To wash over me
Flooding my mind with huge crashing waves
Drowning out the memory of you
Of your taste
A sweet, sticky, mesmerizing taste
A taste that seemed to last forever on my lips
But it didn't
And I taste nothing
Just bitterness
I close my eyes and see your face
Your eyes
Your lips
I hear your voice
I feel your breath
I smell your scent on my shirt
And I ache
Tears sting my eyes
My stomach gets knotted
The memory of you
A memory that won't go away
That needs to go away
That I don't want to go away
Please don't go away