By silly gurl Date: 2006 Mar 10 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
Everything I see reminds me of you, I'm never free from the spell you've put me under. I try not to think about you because I know that I can never really have you. It kills me to know that you love someone else and that you'll never love me the same way. I can't help but think that you are just telling me That you love me because Thats what i want to hear I believe that you are - Still seeing him, that you want to be with him that you'll eventually end up with him, and he'll drive you insane but you'll think your happy. I think you deseve so much better and can do so much better. You just wont open your eyes and look at whats in front of you. There are so many people That love you and wish that you would love them back. You Just refuse to let them all because on dirty cock ripped your heart out. - And you wonder why i Feel what that nickleback song says. All I really want is for you to be happy and I'm willing to do Just about whatever it takes to do that. Anyone who stands in the way of your Joy deserves to be beaten down with a hickory stick. You should not have to deal with all the shit that you do. Some day you will Find someone who will truly be good enough for you. - Maybe you should Just move To Kentucy. That seems to have been the 2 happiest weeks of your life. I almost think that Lane is that one person that you can deal with being with. I only wish that that was how i made you feel. That night when you thought it was perfect night, The only thing i did different was to take you with me while I bought some stuff. I don't think i talked - Anymore than usual and what I did say I don't think was out of the ordinary. I really can't bring myself to believe that i did anything or acted any different. The change must have been in your prospective. It was preobably because you thought that either I wasn't going to love you any more or that you didn't want to love me anymore. All you wanted was your good buddy Aaron Back, but when you realized that he never left, it hit you Just how much - you truly do love me and that you wanted for me to still love you. And I still do, and I don't know if I'll Ever stop I almost wish that I would because you tear me up inside And I don't know how much more I can take. I wish that you would Just piss me off so bad that I couldn't stand to look at you anymore, but I don't think theres Any possible way for you to do that. Why cant you Just be like normal girls and hate me Just because I - don't have any money, or ambition, or anything else to offer. Why do you have to be the one that likes my personality. Why is it that you have to be the one that drives me wild. What is it about you that I love so much. I Just can't figure it out. I can't figure you out. Maybe I'll figure out what to do with you. you - Just can't Make life easy for me. It's always so bloody difficult with you. I'm shaking something terrible now Just thinking about you. You say you can't love me when everything is about you, but the only way I know to love you is to do everything for you.You tell me that all you do is take and that all I do is give, but all I want to do is give and give, I want to give you every thing that I have and - never think twice about it You think that when your around me you bable about your life and things that I don't care about, but I want to know everything about you, I want to know you better than you know you, I can't get enough of you I've become a Junky, and I have no problem with that. My friends get sick of hearing about you, they won't even mention girls around me for fear of your name comming up. every time your name slips out of my mouth they groan and roll their - eyes. sometimes I get the point, but not usually. How am I supposed to get over you when i can't get off of you. why do you do this to me. Is it some kind of torture technique that you have learned? I love you so much , it hurts me to even think about what it would be like without you. - |