By average philly chic Date: 2006 Mar 19 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
SEX three simple letters that evoke a lot of emotions LUST JEALOUSY CONFUSION DEPRESSION'd think that after people get hurt from meaningless SEX ...they'd give up on it...find better things to do with their time.. ...but in college,people still find the need to be with the IN CROWD ...and even when they ask themselves why they go thru unneccessary hurt..their answer is: EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT ...why do they continue to walk countless walks of shame back to their dorm? Because EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT ...why do they cringe everytime they see numerous faces of those who now have a part of them while walking on campus? ...Because EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT ...why do chics make routine runs to the clinic for morning after pills because she woke up in a bed that wasnt hers and doesnt know how she got there..because EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT ...why oh why do people feel that they are actually being LOVED while LUSTING with someone that they barely know...because EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT when i sit and think of all i've done and all the times i've been hurt and claimed that i'm goin to quit there is still a nagging part of me that doesnt want to because... EVERYBODY'S DOIN IT |