By Irongirl
Date: 2006 Mar 20
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Snowy Vermont awaits my arrival as I escape you.  The nook in your neck I love to kiss.  The way we sit facing each other ultimately entangled.  Why are you also leaving the scene?  Why don't we hold strong to our ground and let ourselves melt in the presence of the other?  Repelling and connecting with the flip of a direction.  But if you go too far away, there will not be enough magnetic force to pull us back together.  I want to have that one night where we both are raw and open and leave it on the table to make a mess.  To feel so overwhelmed that the tears fall this time instead of running to the corners of my eyes.  To have you shatter the layers and walls and give me 24 hours of all access to you.  I may burn up in the process, but among the stars is where "we" live already.