By B.K.
Date: 2006 Apr 21
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Kiss Kiss Wink Wink

Rain Music

Just another rainy night in TN town.
I'm wearing a frown upside down.
Listening to McCartney wail
And Lennon cleanse,
I need a chocolate binge,
A little red wine
To even out the jag fringe
Then when the night bites down
I'll put on my pinked nightgown
Put on some Secret Garden
Do a little wiggle between my knees

A Baby please tease
And by the time the dawn creases
There will be no more fight in me
Just an even keeled
Passion peeled mystery
Ready to face another
Synchronous Saturday
Of oh what you do to me history
Purely and simply
......Kiss Kiss...Wink
See you half past a warm mink
