By Irongirl Submitted by Irongirl Date: 2006 May 09 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
Not even the Folic Acid then, more like the multi-vitamin that wouldn't go down her throat. It was stuck because of the lack of water in the elevator she was trapped in that moment, while trying to leave work early. But she HAD to get that pill down, or else the growing baby with little lung buds, would end up in serious trouble down the road. The things that mother's do for their children is sometimes more than they'd do for themselves! But here she was, sitting on the gray floor with stains from items dropped over the years; coffee, soup, the occasional watery soil from a plant being brought up to the office. Of course that Talking Heads song kept running through her mind, "And I said, 'My God, how did I get here' "? In the end she knew how this happened. Reckless abandonment when they met up weeks before, pawing at each other for their lives. Oh how blissful it had seemed then, yet here now, all she could think of was how to swallow more pills in later days should they not find her stuck in the company elevator. Wonder what he was thinking right now. Wonder where he was at this moment she was trapped in a square box hovering above the ground, with little air, no light and smelly carpet? It had been weeks since their meeting, yet no word from him. How could he not wonder what had happened since they had last kissed? Did he remember how he said she was "the best"? Did he remember how he had missed her? Was the phone company no longer able to connect calls between their phones? Or text messages? Answers she wanted to hear were not going to show up. Instead, she had to swallow something else in the elevator and that was the reality of who he was and what he was not capable of offering. No amount of water was going to help that go down without heartburn. Then the lights flickered and the elevator moved. Slowly the doors opened and she walked out into the lobby with sunlight streaming in on her face. She'd best be wise to tuck all that fear and concern back into the depths of her mind, as now was not the time to air out her thoughts. Hold back the tears, you'll be home soon, she thought to herself. It'll be an easier pill to swallow tomorrow, it had to be. |