By darwin
Date: 2006 May 15
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500 Miles Away

I had said two nights before, that even if you left now, this would be enough.  Then you did leave, after your birthday.  I had spent days thinking of dinner for you, since you were all alone in the city.  And the city can be a lonely place when you are between concrete walls and billboards.  Your birthday spent  wrapped in silence, always a hands distance from my touch.  I awoke to tears and a sense of shame I couldn't pinpoint, something dirty on my skin.

I lay in the bathtub, as the water rushed over my legs and the tears fell down,  you were still asleep in my bed.   I drove you home.  Closure I suppose, it was always me driving, I picked you up for our first date, you didn't go home that night.  I heard the echoing fog of your words asking me if I was alright, the tunnel of my life that had shortly been you, was ending.  

I looked out into the misty gray day, and the waves as they crashed against the shoreline.  I was transfixed with the rain as it beaded on my windshield, and couldn't comprehend how you could leave me on a day like this.  A day perfect for lying in bed for hours, with only anothers skin and blankets to keep me warm.   Instead you left for 500 miles away and someone elses bed, and called to tell me about it on the phone.