By ~Harem~
Date: 2006 Jun 24
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I always thought that my mother knew everything.
She told me that there were only two types of men
in the world.  Those who cheat and admit it,
and those who cheat and don't.

So what kind of choice is that ?

But, I figured that my mom had to be right,
because she knew everything.
So I tried to keep company with the cheaters
who didn't try to hide their crimes.  I figured
that of the two types, they were indeed the
most noble.

Mom always reminded me, that men will be men,
and nothing will ever stop that from happening.
She said that men are a different breed from women.
They have a more animal-like nature and can never
be sexually satisfied with just one woman. NEVER

She even said that if all the men in the world
were women - we would have a world full of whores.
Enough said - I get the picture Mom.

So as I said before, I always chose the Nobler Steed,
of the Breed.  And I was content to know that my man
would not sneak behind my back, but would be open
and true in all his affairs and sexual escapades.

But Lo and Behold to my amazement, I found out that
there was a third type of man that my mother forget
to mention.  This one hides his affairs so well,
you never would suspect he was having them.  But,
alas, when you find out he was - he quickly confesses,
and does not deny a thing.  Wow - so I am learning
that my mother didn't know everything after all.

But the real shocker came when I found yet a fourth
type of man - that I had no idea even existed.  
Maybe he is just a mutation of this sordid life that
we live.  And what type is that ?  
He's the DNA "stylg"
(sticks to you like glue).

Yeah, I met this type a few years ago - and am still
waiting for him to mutate back to the types my mother
told me about.  So far - he hasn't faltered back to
her square box routine.

Yep, He sticks to me Like Glue -

and wants nothing but my flesh.

Yeah, but he is still a whore alright !
- but only with me !!

Go figure ????

I guess Mom didn't know everything after all.
