By no white flag
Date: 2006 Oct 19
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A costume for a man?

A costume for a man?
where can i buy a costume
that will suit just him
a black knight maybe?
no..way too good for him..
he likes too pretend
his darkness he keeps hidden
he shows his true colours
hmm,, cowards should wear yellow
but,, then his kids might see
the side of him,,he hides
till its him,, or me,,
or anyone for that matter
as long as he gets his,,
so..cunning too
he escapes unscathed
maybe a yellow fox
tinged with a lot of grey?
a honeybadger in disguise
an innocent little mongoose?
ahhhh wait
a pig maybe.. cannabalistic
yes,, a yellow pig,,
thats him..
consumer of people
just too get his fill
of what?
does he get some kind of thrill?
so..ill dress him up as
mikey the yellow pig
he will eat anything you know
old trash he once discarded
he has use for her right now
you see the coward part
is inside,,,its blackmail
in a way.
so,, do it your way
as always..
i wish
i could just dress you as a man.