By Kindred_spirit49
Date: 2006 Oct 28
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I Can Still Remember

It has been….
…Oh, so many days
since we touched last

but now…
….. as I lay alone
in a dreamy world of half sleep                
I could still feel
the warm erotic touch of your skin
…..upon mine
and the weight of your pendulous breasts
pressed against my chest

flooding my mind with the dreams,
….and boyhood desires
of a thousand child like fantasies

if I close my eyes
and inhale the light delicate scent
that now fills the night
I can still remember …….
the smooth silky  feel of your finger tips
as they softly brushed against the inside of my thigh

and how…
you threw one leg across my thighs
slipping me between your legs
and pressing your hips into mine    
whispering to me of your intense desires    

and how….

as we are fervently immersed in our sexual submission
we surrender frantically and passionately

with quick decisive strokes
….involuntary shudders  
and a mind numbing orgasm          

I can still remember…..
But…oh, yes,
It had been……… so many days
since we last touched…….. like this